There are lots of very useful links here. Think of taking a leisurely canal trip, with much to see and appreciate.
Jonathan Clarke - Photography & Printmaking. A public link to even more of Jonathan's splendid pictures of beautiful turbine venues, like those featured on this website. This link should take you straight to the pictures but, if you subscribe to Facebook, you may have to log-in first.!/album.php?aid=2017919&id=1079686490
The Truth about NOISE: Wind Turbine Sound and Health Effects
An Expert Panel Review concluded with agreement on three key points:
1) There is nothing unique about the sounds and vibrations emitted by wind turbines. 2) The body of accumulated knowledge about sound and health is substantial. 3) The body of accumulated knowledge provides no evidence that the audible or subaudible sounds emitted by wind turbines have any direct adverse physiological effects. (See link below)
Bahrain Trade Centre Wind Turbines - This is what you can call having three wind turbines close to you.
Sustainable Energy Alliance (SEA) - For up-to-date news on renewable energy
British Wind Energy Association (BWEA) - Renewable UK - A voice for wind and marine energy
The Embrace campaign - To support Renewables
Pro Wind Alliance - of Leicestershire/Northamptonshire/Warwickshire
Say Yes to Wind - 5 ways to find out about wind
Wind of change Blog. - A 'guerilla' blog which has followed the misleadingly negative, anti-windfarm campaign in the Lenches for over twelve months. Look here for a scathing view, from a Vale Villager, about the extremist thinking driving local, anti-windfarm protesters.
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