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Why Windfarms


The negative windfarm frenzy being whipped up by a selfish and misinformed ANTI lobby is only temporary. They can only get away with mounting dishonest campaigns against wind turbines while many people still know so little about them. Before long, wind farms will be such a familiar sight, we’ll all be wondering why such a fuss was made.

Till then, though, it is VITAL that those who care about the environment, energy supplies and future generations do whatever they can to back their local wind farm.

1.Don’t be ignorant. ANTI groups rely on ignorance. Those in the know cannot be misled so easily. Find out what you can about wind energy and be glad that Britain is so rich in this clean, freely available natural resource.

2.Visit a modern wind farm. You can then tell people that all these stories about wind turbines being noisy are just nonsense. They’re also rather wonderful to look at.

3.Complain. If a windfarm ANTI group is publishing patent untruths about wind farms you can submit a complaint to the Advertising Standards Authority ( free of charge.

4.Take up the debate in the local press. An ANTI lobby group will insist on everybody agreeing with them and seeing things their way. Demonstrate that there are other viewpoints and other opinions in the debate; refuse to be bullied by protesters and point out that the claims they are making are simply untrue.

5. MOST OF ALL – if a planning application for a wind farm is submitted to your local council, send in your comments of support by letter or online (most councils now have this facility). The more members of the public support such an application, the more pressure there is on the councillors to approve it.

If we sit back and let the small-minded and the misinformed dictate our national energy policy we will experience power shortages and massively rising electricity bills by the middle of this decade (according to Ofgen). Any ANTI group is being a fool to itself as well as to everyone else.

So back your local wind farm and help bring about a cleaner, greener, saner future.



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Updated 26.05.2010