Privacy Statement
Why Windfarms


Back Local Windfarms (BLoW).

We are a a group of volunteers keen to encourage the use of alternative energy systems, with particular reference to the generation of energy through wind turbine installations.

The aim of this site is to provide information about Windfarms, why we need them, what they provide, where they are being built both in the Evesham Vale locally and other national localities and to address the myths that have been created about them. We will actively support local Windfarm applications

We can be contacted via our email: either directly or through the “Email us” link on every page of our website, where we will be happy to answer any questions that you may have about the site structure or its contents. Any correspondence will be kept private kept within our email folder and their contents will not be shared with anyone outside of group membership without the permission of the sender. We do not collect or disseminate personal data about visitors to our website.

We have subscribed to Google Analytics in order to assess the number and range of visits to our website and all its pages. This process will help us discover whether our website is effective and give us the necessary information to improve it. Google will also use the information that is gathered, in the same way that it does when you use their main search engine. It involves the use of cookies. A cookie is a block of data that a web server places on a user’s PC. Typically, it is used to ease navigation through the site. However, it is also a means of the recording the user’s source, tracking the user’s path through the site, and identifying repeat visits to the site by the same user (or same user’s machine).

This tracking data collected is anonymous and cannot be personally attributed to our site If there is any other information about this statement, or its implications that you wish to know then please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Myths about windfarms
Fintry Success
Wind Energy Planning
ASA Rulings
Security of Supply
Support Action that you can do
Useful Links

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Mists on Fennyon Wales - Jonathan Clark

Privacy Statement
Cloud artwork by Carolyn Savery
Copyright - Back Local Windfarms
Updated 26.05.2010